
Embody your authenticity. 


Vision 𓁹

The problem is global, the solution is local, the change is personal

Hi beautiful soul, 

What moves you? How do you live? How Are you?

I believe that Being who you truly are and living how you truly want, is fundamental to our wellbeing, as well as to the wellbeing of Mother Earth. 

Stress, loneliness, fatique numbness or moving from a place of fear rather than Love have become the new normal. I call this surviving rather than living. But this new normal isn’t truly normal–and there is another way.

Naturally, we are balanced, relaxed and joyful, like a child, maskless and in awe– so present in the richness of this life experience. Do you feel the desire to return to this natural state?

The way back is, in essence, simple (though not always easy). We can begin to experience that our system is actually self-healing and self-regulating. We may learn again to give space for this process and release blockages. And this courageous path, you do not have to walk alone. We need each other.

It is my passion to inspire this transformation and support you on your path, using the arts of:

movement & silence ⊹  education & inspiration  ⊹  conversation & relation. 


A journey back Home. 

Love, Amber

The Art of Movement


To heal;

We integrate the wounds to embody our whole(ness).


To transform;

We metamorphose and alchemise the stuck energy into new possibilities.


To evolve;

is to be transformed. We develop to express & experience in richer ways.

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